Are you feeling the love?
I listened to a lot of crying today about how we are being gouged by the oil companies and, as expected, many suggestions came up on how we the consumers can fight back.
Well, we've been down this road before and all the talk is basically about boycotting the gas stations... good luck with that. We can do all the boycotting we want and in 3 to 4 days, we'll all be walking to work and school. The oil companies know that they have us by the family jewels, as do their willing partners-in-crime, our BFFs the federal and provincial governments who are cheerily collecting ever more taxes on these higher gas prices (the taxes often being based on a percentage of the selling price, i.e. GST).
Back in 1999, we had an episode of high gas prices that triggered similar reactions by consumers and, like today, suggestions were made that were largely based on boycotts. Just like today, the oil companies were hardly concerned about consumer boycotts because they know that if they don't sell us gasoline today, we'll be buyers tomorrow.
At the time, I wrote an editorial that was published in The Montreal Gazette where I suggested one way that we the consumers could actually have a significant on these companies. Time to dust off that old idea...
Hit 'em where it hurts them: their profit margins
If you really want to send a message to this industry that basically says "if you screw us, we'll screw you right back", then DO NOT SPEND A PENNY on anything other than the fuel that you have no choice but to buy from them.
Let's show them that we actually can fight back: boycott all non-fuel purchase from your "favorite" fuel retailer.
On everything else, you have the choice to spend your hard-earned money with someone that is not screwing you on the price of gasoline. In the end, this probably won't have that much of an effect on gas prices, but it sure would be fun to make these guys squirm in their shiny corporate boardrooms, don't ya think?
If you think this idea has any merit, please share this with your friends
The only way this works is if everyone is on board.
By all means, please post a comment and let us know what you DID NOT spend at the gas pump!
Sucks to say it, but the *only* way to hit back is not to drive a single meter beyond what it takes to get to work and back... and if public transit is available, sell your fucking car and don't even do that.